BTCUSDT: Loading...ETHUSDT: Loading...BNBUSDT: Loading...XRPUSDT: Loading...ADAUSDT: Loading...SOLUSDT: Loading...DOTUSDT: Loading...DOGEUSDT: Loading...AVAXUSDT: Loading...LTCUSDT: Loading...LINKUSDT: Loading...BCHUSDT: Loading...EGLDUSDT: Loading...Market Cap: $Loading...
BTCUSDT: Loading...ETHUSDT: Loading...BNBUSDT: Loading...XRPUSDT: Loading...ADAUSDT: Loading...SOLUSDT: Loading...DOTUSDT: Loading...DOGEUSDT: Loading...AVAXUSDT: Loading...LTCUSDT: Loading...LINKUSDT: Loading...BCHUSDT: Loading...EGLDUSDT: Loading...Market Cap: $Loading...

Alex Crypto

Hi, I'm Alex, the author of educational and useful content for

I can call myself a crypto enthusiast because I sincerely believe that the future is closely connected with cryptocurrency, which has become a new stage of capital and money development. I received an economic education at Chicago University, so I understand how economics and finances are arranged. By imposing the possibilities of blockchain technology for the needs of the financial system, as well as the history of money development, it becomes clear how much cryptocurrency will change everything.

According to my modest assessment, I consider myself an expert in the field of cryptocurrencies. What does it say about my expertise? First, it is the experience gained over the years on the market. I have been in crypto since 2013, which means that I have already 3 crypto winters behind my back. And it did not make me leave the market and did not reduce my interest in crypto. On the contrary, I saw how much the community experienced, how blockchain technology developed, and how the perception of new assets changed. The most important thing I saw is the opportunities that follow every decline. Namely - the emergence of new technologies, an increase in adoption, improving regulations, implementation of technologies in real life, and of course profit.

Secondly, I’ve been not only watching the market but actively using technology and earning on crypto assets in various ways. I started with mining, these were good times when you could get Bitcoin for relatively little effort. For a while, I have been accumulating capital and getting deeper into the cryptocurrency rabbit hole. But at one point, the mining process became complicated and a highly competitive niche. Therefore, I decided to multiply my capital with trading. I was taking losses and bitter experiences, but it was fully paid. The main points I’ve got from trading are patience, consistency, and willingness to research the data. 

The crypto industry is out of place and never stands. There are always new trends, technologies, and ways of earning. It aroused me to go further, explore, and eradicate for my own purposes. Decentralized exchanges, staking, liquidity providing, NFTs, Metaverses, Testnets, Ambassador programs - I cannot stop deepening. And I advise you to keep going because the world of cryptocurrencies is very deep and continues to increase. There is enough place for everyone - the main thing is to look for your own.

Actually, that is why I’m here. To guide you, explore with you, and help you find your place in crypto. After years of consuming the gifts of blockchain, I want to give something back. What I have - is an experience of how good things are and how bad they can turn. My power is the voice and words that some people need to hear to navigate such an unpredictable and fast-developing market. My goal is to make an impact on the crypto community that way the adoption becomes closer. 

In my articles, you will find guides on crucial basic information as well as advanced instructions for crypto degens. You will also get some projects and opportunities that are in my field of view. That could be testnet, NFT collection, airdrop, the release of a new promising project, and so on. I am critical of scams, so the information I'm providing is verified as much as possible for my data sources. However, the crypto market is fast-changing and any information can emerge at any moment. That is why I will do my best to aware you of any scams, but it’s only your responsibility for the decisions you make and the risks you take. 


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